Just because you dislike porn does not make it a phobia. Porn is not for everybody and there are many people that enjoy a happy and healthy sex life without introducing porn to it.
The fact that your boyfriend watches porn and finds sexual release from it does not mean you have to be a part of that. If you find it disturbing that he watches it you need to be honest with him about your feelings. Also he needs to respect your wishes and not try to convince you that there is something wrong with you that you don't enjoy it.
If the porn gets out of hand and you find he can't have sex without it, or is spending many hours watching it on tv or on his computer, there might be a problem that he has.
Talk to him about your feelings and tell him you want him to respect them.
I don't think watching porn is cheating, but I can sort of understand why you may feel that way. But you have to understand that your man doesn't watch porn because he doesn't want to have sex with you, it's just something that they feel they have control of. He can watch whatever porn he wants, fast forward, rewind, stop, whenever he wants. It is a fantasy, the girls in those movies are willing to do anything a guy can imagine, and most women, probably like yourself, are not willing to explore different things like that. That doesn't mean he doesn't like sex with you.. But he has to wait until you want to. So, in the meantime, guys like to watch porn and relieve themselves while watching. But, if you really want to change, and be more accepting of this, get up some nerves, and take your man to a local porn shop and pick out a movie together. There are all kinds, not just graphic, dirty stuff. It might open your mind a little bit, and bring you and your man closer. Plus, maybe you will find some stuff for yourself there! If you try to make him stop watching, that will probably make him angry and cause a big fight. You should just think about it a little and decide for yourself how to handle the situation, and decide if it's worth argument. Good luck with it!
Porn has many forms and many venues. Some people classify classical painting as pornography. There was a time in which seeing a womans ankle was considered pornographic. That is why women wore such long dresses like during the Victorian era. When the European settlers first came to the America's they would and the islands of the pacific and the nearly nude people and thought it to be pornographic. Amazingly the USA still finds a lot of things unacceptable like a womans breast not covered. People to this day still are arrested for going nude on beaches while in Europe it is found to be much more acceptable. The irony of it all is the USA has both extremes and it seems very little middle ground concerning subject. Depending how you were raised has a lot to do with your views of what is Hot and what is Not! To realize that looking is not cheating and to find something and someone as attractive does not mean that the person is cheating or unfaithful comes with maturity. If you find yourself feeling anxiety over your boyfriends enjoyment of porn that he is apparently sharing with you, then you should look at this as something to be grateful he is sharing with you. The other side of the coin would be would you feel better if he were hiding it and his feeling from you?
Men have their needs if you know what I mean and seems to me his sexual life is imbalanced. He has all those hormones and he cannot control them. He probably doesn't get laid so he has to resort to masturbating. You need to link, or re-associate his hormones to something else like you.
You sound a bit like my girlfriend. The advice I would give is try hard not to mention what he does, try hard not to discuss his actions and avoid this topic. This is a private thing. If he's sensible he should not mention it either. If he does try to be nice and to forgive him. You sound like a nice girl, not like these extremist... I wish you good luck, and hope I helped.