My Boy Friend Has Clear Stuff Coming Out Of His Penis. What Is Tht Clear Stuff?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's the San Fransisco treat.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Pre Cum. It is a good thing keep up what your doing to get this result. From my experience the more pre cum the better the orgasm.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Unless you're ready to be a mama,you need to steer clear of such questions,and immediately focus on other non mama issues - for real.Your boy Friend, needs to get solidly established, financially,mentally,emotionally,and quit trying to get you in bed,to brag to his buddies.Guys his age(supposing him to be between 15-22) tend to think with their power-drills, instead of their cap-holders. I know, because I used to be one.I WASN'T ready to be a daddy - but I became one,even at 24.Don't get mad.Get smart.

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