
How Can I Get Female Prostitute In Bangalore?


2 Answers

Liam Sheasby Profile
Liam Sheasby answered
Unfortunately this question breaches Blurtit's terms and conditions, so instead the question will be split into related segments.

  • Where is Bangalore?
Bangalore is the English name for Bengaluru; the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka. It is dubbed the Garden City due to its lush natural environment and used to be a popular retirement location as a result.

Bangalore is in South East India and has a population of around 5.4 million people, making it India's third largest city but a statistic that also saw it inducted into the Beta list of World Cities in 2009.

The land in the area is generally flat, with a few rivers bypassing the city in the region. The area has a savannah climate, meaning it has specific hot and wet seasons. It's pleasant in winter at around 15 degrees c but rises to a hot 33 degrees c in the summer, and can have heatwaves on top of that

  • What is a prostitute?
A prostitute is a woman who charges for sexual activities. She takes payment in return for sexual congress and rates vary depending on region and the acts involved. There are male prostitutes, and it is not just men seeking women for sex. A male prostitute is often known as a Gigolo or a rent-boy.

  • Why does prostitution happen?
Prostitution happens for a variety of reasons. Often it's a case of financial desperation and it's a last resort to make money. A person has a child to feed, or debts to pay, or, as a lot of media coverage highlights, a drug addiction to feed.
In rare cases a person actually enjoys it. In some places licensed brothels are set up. These venues pay wages and taxes and have security in case of trouble and don't accept clients with sexual transmitted infections.

  • What is 'Sex Tourism'?
Sex tourism is the act of going abroad in order to have sex in a different country with lax laws or a high rate of prostitution in order to avoid the same criminality that such acts garner in their native country. A lot of sex tourism takes place in Asia, ranging from India through to Thailand and Malaysia.

Not all prostitution or sex tourism is bad. In the U.S. State of Nevada they have the aforementioned licensed brothels in order to regulate prostitution and lower the crime and violence associated with the industry.

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