Many predictions abound about when the human race will run out of its oil reserves, with most predictions setting the date at around 50 - 70 years from now. If we do run out of oil, this will have devastating knock on effects for civilization, as we currently rely on oil as a means of … Read more

It depends on where and what state, county, city you are in.
There are county hospitals that are run by the county that can do what is rate your parent(s) by income.
And they use Government stats to figure out how much they are going to pay.
Some states have insurance to cover children.
Some … Read more
Did you ever think!
That is what he wants?
But! Not in a good way.
Guys have a tendency to lord thing over on a woman.
"You should be thankful I pull you out of what you were in!"
Is that what you really want?
Missing someone who is abusive to you is not very good judgement on your part.
Here is a link this is the starting point for you:
It is a 24-hours-a-day hotline for women.
It is important for you to look into getting a cell phone for yourself just in case … Read more