
What Should My Baby Be Doing At 6 Months?


8 Answers

Evelyn Vaz Profile
Evelyn Vaz answered
Children have their own significant ways of developing. However, I will list you some things that children normally perform but it is not something to worry about if your child at 6 months is not doing things that are listed here. Some of the body movements will be rolling from back to the tummy easily. Likes to stand and see the world ahead of him. Tries and picks up objects that are beyond her reach, keeps drooping things around just to learn noises.

In terms of thinking skills they are now at a stage where they can follow instructions that you point with your fingers. They now begin to recognize names, basic words and other familiar household sounds. At this stage they also tend to be very sociable. She can even try and do elderly things like looking into the mirror and smiling at her. Your child will even begin to choose the toys that she wants to play with.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I disagree with people who say a baby should be crawling by 6 mos not true .yes some babies can crawl at 6 mos but some don't my oldest crawled at 6 mos but my second and third did not they are older now but there is nothing wrong with them all babies develope in their own way if your baby is not crawling by 6-7 mos don't worry that doesnt mean there is anything wrong with them my brother never crawled he rolled all the way till he was able to walk and he is a healthy man now give your baby some time all babies are different they will do it in their own time......
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
All babies are different. My sister couldn't sit up by herself until she was almost a year. My son is 6 months old and has been sitting up for a month, he is also commando crawling but his cousin who is 2 weeks older is quite content to roll around. As long as your baby is doing the basics like interacting with you in his/her own little way, babbling, cooing, and trying to move in some way, rolling, grabbing at you and things, and growing, gaining weight and height wise, they're doing fine.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi, my baby boy is 6 months old and is rolling from front to back,when on his tummy he will move backwards,babbling, cooing,he knows if you call him he will look at you,is flying around in the really bearing his own weight when on his legs,( my public health nurse said its not at all putting 2 much pressure on there legs),I think aslong as your baby is interacting with you babbling and making noise he's other child did not start as early he was 7 months before he was doing 6 month old baby things
best of luck xxxx
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My child has a tooth  that is coming in ,thats awsome. But I am concerned because she stand but is not crawling. Her standing is that causing to much pressure on her legs
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Breathing, Farting, Pooping, Eating, Smiling, Pooping, Kicking, Crying, Pooping, Wiggling, Laughing, Pooping.

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