My dad bought a bunch of different fish for the fish tank. Jr picked out one fish right away. He says it's his fish and named him right off the bat and it stuck! Lol! He is an all black Molly fish and Jr named him "Lemon!" 😂😂😂 I love hearing Jr greet him when he sees him.... "Oh HI LEMON!" 😅😅😅😅
Did one of your children (or you as a child) ever name a pet a random name where you thought "Where did THAT come from?" 😅
When my daughter was about 14 she got a pet rat and she named it Boner, she used to say Mom... I'm going to play with my boner now, of course we all giggled at her demented sense of humor. :)
When I was young we had a dog named Pudge. I can't remember who named him or why but I don't recall him being overweight.
My son often had ant "pets" all of whom were called "Geoffrey". I suspect that it wasn't always the same ant.
Once I had two goldfish and I named one of them "cookie". I don't even know why I named that fish "cookie"
No, but one of a next door neighbor's kids named one pet you're stupid and you're stupid too.
Regretably, I am not kidding.
When I bought my dog then named my dog Muser. Did not actually know why . LOL
A few years ago, my daughter named her pet hamster "Bernard" after Bob Newhart's mouse character in Disney's "The Rescuers".
we had mice once and one of them was named Pinky from that cartoon Pinky and the Brain.
I know exactly where all my pet names come from.
My older brother acts like those crazy cat ladies you see on TV.
At one point we had nine cats living in our house.
Me and my siblings are all huge Linkin Park fans, but my older brother was basically a fanatic. He got his first cat when the lead singer of LP (Chester Bennington) died, and he even named the first cat Chester. We all let him get away with it cuz we were all sad about it.
But somewhere along the way we kept getting more and more cats, I think the total amount of cats we had are like above 20. We only have three now though.
I just got mad and started naming the cats whatever I could think of.
Recently the names were along the lines of "B**tch and Wh***re and *A**hole "
Just whatever I could think of at the moment.