I’m recently going along the process of being diagnosed with ASD. (Autism spectrum disorder) and was put through to the final stage, I’m curious as the what the assessment will be like. What type of tests do they conduct?


2 Answers

Ray  Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

Along with the others, I wish you all the best. I know it probably won't help, but don't get stressed about something like this. Find something else to do (and worry about, if necessary). Try contacting CAHMS too. Best of luck.

Dances With  Wolves Profile

If your doctor didn't discuss this with you, i recommend calling your health insurance company,  you or your parents or guardian can file a complaint against your doctor or the Doctors Practice and let them know that your doctor never explain much to you about the last part of the testing that your going to get done for Autism. Just like myself when something is wrong with me on my end, i contact Value Behavioral Health they are the ones that handle complaints for UPMC for YOU Medicaid HMO. If you on a Medicaid HMO most likely they could have Value Behavioral Health handle that part of health insurance that handles the behavioral part of it.

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Molly Burdon
Molly Burdon commented
I don’t work with a doctor about my autism unfortunately, I was sent to a team of specialist and due to complications had to restart the process after 3 years. Fortunately, my paediatrician gave me a 70 question sheet to fill out and I was sent straight to the last stage. I was contacted over the phone by CAHMS and told the final exam would take place in 20 weeks. They didn’t tell me about what the process would involve, and I stress out about situations I’m not certain about. So I’m panicking and trying to get answers as quick as possible. (Although it’s 18 weeks away now) I’ll ask my guardian to contact my doctors' office, thank you.
Dances With  Wolves
You're Welcome i wish you best of luck on this and God Bless You !!!

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