
I think I observed my friend slamming the door, more or less, at my home, when they didn't get their way in an argument. Do I address the issue or just let it go?


7 Answers

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Unless something broke because of it, let it go.

Joyce Hall Profile
Joyce Hall answered

Wait till your friend has calmed down. Confront him/her and tell him/her to stay away from yor house. Next time it could be worse.

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

You said you "think"!

Let it go.

Retiredkop Retiredkop Profile

Either they slammed the door or they didn’t! Can’t have it both ways.  If they copped an attitude and slammed the door,  No one needs that kind of immaturely in their life.  When he/she calms down, politely ask them why they did that. If you get more attitude politely ask them to leave your life..  I never slammed a door by accident, I’ve opened a few that had no resistance and had them hit the wall lightly.  The only doors that I slammed was on the SWAT entry team and through the use of an 8 pound key, or had the need to blow the door open with a slight charge. But slamming one on leaving because of an attitude is in acceptable!

Megan goodgirl Profile
Megan goodgirl answered

let it go.

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