It's reality vs wishful thinking.
Thanks for answering my questions. Another one :) Why don't i come out as good looking in photos then I do looking in the mirror?
You are looking at two different images. A photograph is actually what people see. A mirror in a reflection and everything is reversed. You are just so used to seeing the reflection that pictures always look off. Plus mirrors tend to be places that have fairly good lighting and most pictures don't.
You look pretty good to me, Johnny. I'd kill for that crop of yellow hair.
Seriously? When we see ourselves in a mirror our subconscious takes over and edits the reflection so that we see what we want to see.
When we look at a photograph we're stuck with the reality.
Not too many people look as good in photographs as they think they should -- I know that I don't -- but not to worry: Everybody is used to the way you look and they think you look just fine.
We rarely see ourselves as others do.
Could be the photographer.