Actually I am very content. Where I am today (physically, mentally and emotionally) is a far cry from where I thought I'd be 50 years ago.
I'm very content with my life.
hardly, but that is the goal
Not really
I dont mind being poor but i cant even afford healthcare thw copay the mrii,s etc so the poor in this country have no healthcare and in criminal court we get screwed over
No and I don't think I ever will be.
Pretty much I would say. I'll miss flying but it'll pass.
I'm more content than I am discontented. So, yes. I could be improving things which I'm working on!
I am way more content than I was 2 weeks ago.
Always! :0)
Or should I say I always try to be!
I'd better be. This is probably as good as it's going to get.
Dear Jan,
I am deeply daily sorrowful for all the fear and grief and violence in the world...
However I enjoy my own little life, lovely sunrise apt. In a sylvan prairie town, plus I am going to make a strange new cake from almond meal, six eggs, and two oranges (including peel). I mean, who could not be content with a brand new cake pan such as this one, all the way from China, even a removable bottom?