In my case, I was over him before I had the guts to break it off! So...not long!
It depends.
Relationships, good or bad, are habituating---it's going to take a while to disentangle.
And I imagine it depends on whether you are the "breaker" or the "breakee."
I remember one good relationship took me about 6 months before I "normalized" and was ready to date again.
I'm a male and that was when I was in my early thirties.
(And, just a comment---read a number of years ago that divorce took 6 months for a woman to recover; 2 years for a man, but that was not meant to be scientifically dispositive.)
I wasn't too keen on having to get over it so I found a compromise. I liked my first girlfriend so much I decided to keep her. That was in 1958 and so far it seems to be working out OK. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
It depends on the relationship. I was with someone for 5 years and I thought we were going to get married. It took me over 6 months to get over that one. Other relationships were shorter and took less time. Some only a week or two.
You tell me when a person breaks up after 12 years.
depends on how long was the relationship
My first relationship was with a girl, and I wasn't entirely sure what I was doing at the time. Because of that, it didn't take too long to get over her after I broke up with her, but I began to feel bad about it later once I realized I was gay. She understood when she found all that out later and we are still friends to this day.
I never been in a relationship.
I'm still grieving a break up after nearly a year because it was that devastating. And it usually depends on the emotional attachment you had towards that person
That depends on the reason caused the break up. Will be never to get it over, who knows?