Can "You" personally "fix" someone? I can't fix me ๐Ÿ˜”.


14 Answers

dragonfly forty-six Profile

No, if I could that "someone" would be fixed, so she didn't suffer anymore. People can only "fix" themselves, and they have to want it.

Zack -  Mr. GenXer Profile

That's the last thing someone should try to do. It will only make things worse, but what one can do is just listen. Usually, the person with the problem only wants someone to listen to what they have to say.

Pepper pot Profile
Pepper pot answered

"Help is the sunny side of control," a person is not always certain of which one they are participating in. What if a persons idea of fixing someone isn't what they need?

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

I'd like to "fix" the guy who started all the fires here !

Megan goodgirl Profile
Megan goodgirl answered

no only they can fix themselves.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

Runming guru, Jim Fixx, was the man whose books and articles popularised the 'jogging boom' in the 1970s

He suffered a heart attack while out running and was DOA on arrival at the ER.

I guess that if they couldn't fix Fixx I couldn't fix anybody.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

As others have said the only person anyone can fix is themselves. You can be supportive to others as they try to fix themselves, but they have to want to do the work.

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

No one is EVER "fixed" .. We all have issues of one sort or another .. Some a little, some a lot and some completely broken. We all have emotional scars that can heal enough to keep moving on .. and we all have idiocies that make up who we are.

I would never refer to someone as being or getting "fixed" .. "Repaired" is more like it, at least to a certain extent, and it's perpetual. But never as good as new. Wounds can heal but There are and will always be scars that are fragile and can easily be damaged yet again. Healing originates from within .. Wounds can be encouraged to heal by others, but never healed by others. It is a process that can last an entire lifetime.

We all need emotional support to help us navigate this world on one level or another .. Some experience primarily smooth sailing with  challenges that range from a rain shower to heavy winds & thunderstorms, that can blow them somewhat off course. Some experience a rocky mountain path with many challenges along the way that can result in a range of challenges from a rocky crevass that will require a detour to a shear rock wall impasse, where they must go back to where they came from and start over .. some are born into it and some choose their path .. nonetheless, their journey is similar in their dependency on support and encouragement from not only others but within themselves to continue on .. not to mention that thier vessel will always sustain some damage along the way.  Repairing that damage enough to stay afloat gets you to the end of your journey .. it doesn't have to so be perfected. 

WE all sustain emotional bumps and bruises . THOSE experiences help to form who we are as individuals. They are part of us.  They don't dissappear.  Perspective is a choice.

Happiness is also a choice .. making good choices is a choice. Finding your way, surrounding yourself with good influences is a choice.  Finding what makes you happy, thus being able to tolerate life in general is a choice.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

To "make" them change---No.

But if you satisfy a previous unmet need---such as a more reasonable understanding of how a certain reality works that they currently misunderstand---yes. 

I do it frequently in that sense.

Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

You know, I have run across this many times and in respects to many things that need "fixing".

I have talked to many who are in relationships, and love a lot of things about a person "BUT" . . . Usually when they get to the "Buts" (Not anatomically), it has to do with a part of the personality that they THINK needs "tweaking" or "Altering". Many times this personality trait they find undesirable can get worse, rather then better. This is where we consider Genetics, Environment and Experiences. Certain traits, may not be able to be "Fixed" . . .

In any kind of relationship, you have to be okay to "Live" with certain things and embrace them as part of the person they are. My youngest one tends to go in surges of being compulsively obsessed with a certain thing . . . Could be cooking, or weightlifting, and while these all sound fine, it could easily turn into things that either aren't good for you OR good in moderation. My Father was the same way, and I am as well.

Learning to love or like someone, means you can accept them for all their good points, and faults . . . And we must weigh the faults in perspective to what they really are. Do we have an issue with these traits PERSONALLY, and label them as faults, or are they actual faults and just part of WHO that person is.

By the way, I am horrible with money . . . I know it, my wife knows it, and we work around it. I have gotten better . . . Over the last 26 years though . . .

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