Personal wealth isn't impressive to me unless it's shared with the less fortunate. Your friend sounds like he/she is on an ego trip.
Why respond at all? They're just trying to impress you ... Don't be impressed. Anyway .. People who are truly "rich" don't go around bragging about it.
Ask for a hefty-high-substantial monetary gift.
No need to respond at all .. As well as .. There is no need to be in the company of someone you find so annoying. No one is holding you captive .. So, either be polite and suck it up, or move on. This is a big planet, filled with all kinds of annoyances. If you find something annoying or someone annoying to the point where you simply can't handle it, find somewhere else to spend your time.
I have to admit, I have found myself in the company of people who did the same thing .. didn't impress me either .. other than being annoyed, I also felt their compulsion was a show of enormous insecurity. Like they felt their wealth was cause to 'like' them. It just seems they had no confidence in themselves as an individuals. I think they could probably make friends a lot easier .. or should I say better quality friendships, if they dropped the 'show' and just be themselves. Problem is, some people, due to one reason or another, just simply can't.
Ask them if they have any interesting information they can share with you.
Dear Anon,
I like the responses you are getting...everything from "don't respond," to "boring..." to "ask for monetary gift." But here is something to consider...
...because other cultures might not define wealth like we do. Native Americans are known for looking at wealth differently, for example, including the Cowlitz tribe where I live now. Last autumn 2015, the local newspaper interviewed a Cowlitz chieftain at the celebration of a new totem pole purification ceremony, and he explained wealth like this:
“In a white man’s culture how do you determine a man is wealthy? By
how much a person can accumulate. In the old Indian culture it was just
diametrically opposite; a man was considered the wealthiest if he gave away the most.”
* * *
The old tradition holds that if you have more than you need, you give your excess away. How long would it take to solve world hunger if we all did that?
You give them a "I feel sorry for you" smile and say, "All that money, and yet no sense to know what real wealth is." Gently shake your head and walk away.
You could just make some copies of the poem, "Richard Corey". When this person starts to brag, just hand him/her a copy and smile.