Do you have sincere friends?


14 Answers

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Yes. I wouldn't keep them around if they weren't.

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

Only here. Very good caring friends. As I've said many many 😊 times and will continue to say they're a wonderful blessing to🐉 me. Amen

dragonfly forty-six Profile

Yes, Sincerity is a dear friend.

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

Yes. Both in real life and online.

Linilla Schmidt Profile
Linilla Schmidt answered

Sincerity that I can sense is strongest within my biological & extended family & not my social ties / friends.
Sharing onself  is important to being able to register other's sincerity, and it turns out I invest more time with my family than friends, I guess. 

Cyber-wise I myself haven't spent enough  time online (reading a lot of folk's input, threads) that it takes to make and sustain virtual friendships.  I say this in comparing myself with my sister who lives in her own virtual world. But she has poor health, so I think it's excellent for her, being on line all day and showing herself from her best side. She's really good at it there, keeping and maintaing her online friendships. 

Outdoors a lot or running around all the time on a farm I hardly sit down except to watch 3 hours of tv at night, yet I am fine with it.  For me I think I'm on the right track not having many friends, sincere or otherwise. Acquaintances many, friends a handful maybe..

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

Yes, I have a few around still. Some online and some in life. Although most are scattered around the country now. I keep in touch with my true friends and avoid the ones that only want something.

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

I have made many friends here on Blurtit that I consider true blue. I don't have a plethora of friends in real life, but I don't need a ton of people around me.

Jaimie  JT Profile
Jaimie JT answered

Yes....I have a lot of aquantences < --- I can't spell that word :) they're nice to have around cos they are fun  :) but I do have a hand full of  true friends I trust with all of who I am and who have stuck with me when I was completly falling apart ... It's a weird thing to have people think you're so completly together and then when you completly lose your shizit  for a few months see who stands by you ... It's not a lovely thing to go through but it's a lovely eye opener to who matters :) cos I said so ... BAM !

Levi F. Profile
Levi F. answered

I do. I appreciate my friends for many reasons, and their sincerity is one of those. They wouldn't be my friends if they weren't sincere.

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