Anna, you are the parent. You have a 15 y/o that is friends with kids much younger than he is. There are a ton of things that he could be involved with besides 10 y/o.
If he has interests, such as chess, reading, etc., start looking for clubs either in your city or at his school. If he plays sports or wants to, look into that. He needs to be busy at home doing chores as well, so he is contributing to the family. Find some volunteer work for him to do.
It's summer and there are generally a ton of things going on. If he is telling you that kids make fun of him, try and find out why. He could be socially awkward and needs practice talking with others.
Continuing this friendship with kids much younger than he is will not lead to good things. As his parent, step in and end this and help him discover other ways to find friends.