I can understand your situation because I grew up in a like environment. I was the first in my family to graduate from high school, my mother gave me ten bucks an told me I can now get a job digging ditches because that was the only thing I was qualified to do as my life's work. I was told two things every day as far back as I can remember. 1. I was stupid and would never amount to anything! 2. She was sorry I was ever born, and sorry her attempt at self abortion didn't work! To even out the verbal abuse she made sure I was beaten with anything handy, light cords, sticks, belts and the like. At 16 she knocked be out with a 12" cast iron skillet to the face. I could go one with stories forever but why waste your time.
The abuse made me made mad enough to prove her wrong! At 21 I bought a motel and cottage complex on Lake Huron in Michigan. Two years later I paid it off in full. A year later I sold it and bought a trucking company. Sold it 5 years later and went into law enforcement, retiring 35 years later as a Colonal.
My point, you can turn a crappy lifestyle into something great! BUT, your the one that has to do it! So your parents don't applaud your accomplishments, too bad! Other people see that you are doing great things, you need to see it yourself as well! If your waiting for others to gush praise on you, it will be waiting a long time. I was the first cop in Southern Colorado to be awarded the Medal of Valor. Was on television and everything, two days later, no one knew me. I learned that I have to recognize my own accomplishments. Time to think to yourself "I did that, now what else can I do to!" Pat yourself on the back once in a while and go on. Try to maintain a positive attitude for yourself, look for other like minded people, negative people will just bring you down to their level. Give it a try, you will be surprised at the results!