
Found out my sister does drugs, do I tell my parents (which might break my family apart) or hope she really means it when she said she is gonna quit?


4 Answers

Cookie Roma Profile
Cookie Roma answered

This is really too important.  Tell your parents. 

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

Never keep wrongdoing from your parents. When they find out you're going to be in big trouble as well. You may get blame for "Helping" her do drugs. She may even lied and say you were helping her, that's why you didn't come forward.

Or you do drugs too.

Best be completely innocence. Or

You could to be thought of as partially guilty. For a long time.

Catch 22.

otis campbell Profile
otis campbell answered

I think honesty is for the better in the long run

Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

It could tear your family apart if your sister gets hooked on drugs.  Be a good sister and tell your parents so they can help get your sister the help she needs. 

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