how do tests, projects, and quiz scores affect your internal motivation? have you been able to turn negative results into stronger internal motivation? if you make a bad grade, can you overcome the temptation to quit?


2 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

I'm too stubborn to quit. Anytime I scored a low grade, I dug in deep and made sure I did better next time.

Kioyre S. Profile
Kioyre S. answered

When I get bad grades, I convince myself that if I make up for it and work doubly hard, everything will fall into place in the future. I may be scared of what may come, but striving for the best gives me some hope. My mindset it if I work harder and better, I won't have to worry about not doing what I love and I'll have the satisfaction of doing it and doing it well.

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