
Why is my family so unbearable? (I am on prozac(known for treating depression and anxiety/anger)day two and by god my family still manages to make me pissed off) I am on 10mg going to 20mg next week.. Why does this happen?


2 Answers

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

Prozac takes a while to build up in your system. In addition, it will help manage your systems - you still need to work on the other issues you have, such as your anger toward your family.

Determine what upsets you about your family and ascertain if there is anything that you can do to help the situation.

An example would be - your dad always gets on your case when you get home from school to get your homework done right away. You would rather relax and then deal with it.

One solution would be to talk to him about a compromise. If you could have 30 minutes of down time after school, would he go for that?

That's merely an example. In addition, find someone to talk to about issues that you're having and if they can help you work through some things. Good luck.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

10 mg is starter dose. The typical therapeutic dosage range is 20mg to 80mg.

Prozac is a good drug and potentially has some unwelcome side effects. The lower dose allows them to show whether they are likely to occur and to change to a different medication if necessary.

Your doctor will evaluate your response to various dosage levels so that you get the maximum benefit from that drug.

It will take probably 6 weeks or so for you to start seeing results.

Hang in there---you're on your way to a better situation.

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