
What is a mother?


4 Answers

Angelia Griffith Profile
Angelia Griffith , Relationship Expert, answered

A mother iѕ ѕоmеоnе whо loves уоu
Whо cares fоr уоu in еvеrу wау
Shе sits dоwn аnd listens
tо whаt уоu hаvе tо ѕау

Shе аlwауѕ thinks уоur beautiful
Nеvеr puts уоu dоwn
Shе аlwауѕ hаѕ a smile
Tо wipe аwау yur frown

A mother iѕ ѕоmеоnе whо believesin уоu
Alwауѕ pushes уоu tо gо fаr
Tells уоu tо bеliеvе in уоurѕеlf
Nо matter whо уоu аrе

A mother iѕ likе аn angel
Althоugh withоut thе wings
Shе tells уоu tо enjoy
Life's mоѕt smallest things

I rеаllу love mу mother
Shе means ѕо muсh tо mе
Mommy I rеаllу love уоu
And thаt'ѕ hоw it аlwауѕ will be.

Concern Wright Profile
Concern Wright answered

Anonymous..........What is a Mother?

A mother takes on the task connected with the home that are the fundamental tasks of humanity....If the mother does not do her duty,  there will either be no next generation, or a next generation that is worse than none at all.

A mother is essential to human life, but her role involves far more than just bearing children.  Regarding the role of a "mother", she is the primary protector for each child's health, education, intellect, personality, character, and emotional stability. 

One of  a mothers many functions is that of educator of her children.  A child's first words and its pattern of speech are usually learned from its mother.  The mother generally spends more time  with the children each day than the father, so she may be their chief teacher as well as principle disciplinarian.

Did you know, that the Bible says that children should "honor their father and their mother"? (Exodus 20:12)  Mothers often bear the burden of bringing up their children by themselves because their husbands have left home to find work in another city or country or mothers are left alone to raise their children because their husbands have abandoned them or died. 

A mother enjoys precious moments that they would not trade for anything in the world and she is the one that will sacrifice her free time and much of her social life to make sure that her children are well cared for.......  "What is a Mother"

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

When God created the all-there-was he realised that humankind were not yet equipped to handle computers and robots and, in order to keep the world turning, he invented mothers.

Mothers are initially those who give birth to their offspring but that is only the start of their abilities. They are champion multi-taskers who manage to keep everything running while the father (he's the other part of the procreation deal() sits grumbling over his beer if things aren;t done the way he wants them.

Mothers are omnivident. That is, they know EVERYTHING. Trying to lie to a mother is just plain stupid. They know, lads. They KNOW.

A few years ago, comedian Anita Renfew put together all the things a mother says to her kids in the course of a day and sang it in 2 minutes 55 seconds. It went viral! Have a listen, it's educational.


PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

This is a complicated question. There is the biological answer. It is a female who gives birth, lays eggs, or performs half of the biological process of bringing offspring into the world.

Then there is the more...emotional definition. It is someone who cares for the young, whether they are biologically connected or not. They  give love and support. There are there for "their children" emotionally and physically. They teach and help their children learn life's lessons.

One does not need to give birth to be a mother, and giving birth does not automatically make you a mother in the truest sense.

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