You can eat this right out of the can if you want!
I can't cook, and everyone in my house is asleep but me. Plus I am hungry. Are there other ways to get food?
Make yourself a sandwich or get a plate of breakfast cereal. Maybe cook some toast and put a slice of cheese on it.
And, first thing tomorrow, pin down whichever of your parents does the cooking and say, "I wanna learn to cook. Can I help you prepare the meals from now on?" It's easy, and it's fun. You won't get far in life if you can't even feed yourself.
You can find something that doesn't need to be cooked :p Or call someone that does delivery and get food that way :p
Fry bacon you will wake everyone
Quite honestly ... If you're old enough to be on this site, you're old enough to know how to cook simple meals.
If you don't ... It's past time you learned.
fix some cereal.
Make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Its really easy you just take 2 pieces of bread from the bag of bread and take a knife and put it in the peanut butter container then you smear it all over the bread and you do the same for the jelly and then you put the 2 pieces of bread together and then you get a sandwich.
Sandwich... Or fruit... Or something else you can consume raw like carrots, olives, etc...
other good answers are those from rooster cogburn, Dakota Mackenzie, and echoos echoos. (sorry for the weird letters, dakotas name was easier to copy paste and copy-pasting can cause this sometimes)
You don't HAVE to cook anything .. Have a bowl of cereal with milk, make a peanut butter/jam sandwhich, or toast, fruit, carrots or celery, granola bar .. Or what ever you have in the cupboard .. Jeesh .. If you can't figure that task out by yourself .. Then I'm thinking you are far younger than 13 .. And shouldn't be on this site at all.