
I have a crush on a boy, but I have anxiety and I am terrified of even saying hi to him. If he simply asks me to borrow a pen I go all awkward and bright red. Shall I forget about it and let it be a dream?


2 Answers

Theodore Putnam Profile
Theodore Putnam , Perfectly Imperfect., answered

I would say this: Start dropping hints that you like him. But be subtle. If you drop hints too much, then he will be scared off. Smile at him, let him catch you staring every once and a while, etc. Best of luck!

Dakota  Mackenzie Profile

Never give up! Even with something small, I was the same way, trust me... I had a crush on this really amazing (at first) guy and I was nervous to speak to him too. Not even kidding you with this, the fore thing I said was "Sorry" because I accidently, hehe, ran into him in the hall!!!! I freaked out but I didn't give up and let it be a dream. You wanna know what happened? I talked to him, started out small, I was nervous, yes and shaky but I pushed through... Because of that, I ended up dating him... *^^* Don't give up, please. You should start out with small talk and work your way up. :)

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