Any advice on how should I approach the situation detailed below?


6 Answers

crow robot Profile
crow robot answered

Got a parachute? need to bail out

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

You said it yourself, you have broke up but simply continue to live and sleep together.  THAT is not a committed monogomous relationship in anyway shape or form.

If she is not willing to commit to you and an exclusive relationship then you have a decision to make .. Either you accept this 'situation' as an open friend's with benefits relationship or you don't. 

Ruthie Perez Profile
Ruthie Perez answered

Me and My Ex-girlfriend broke up about 5-6 months ago. However we still live in the same house, sleep in the same bed, cuddle every night, have sex assume the roles of couples and we also attend couples therapy.

Everyday I have extremely emotional (angry) thoughts that she is currently getting emotionally involved or has been sexually involved with another person that she says is just a friend...sigh.

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

If you're gonna break up, then break up. If you're gonna be "friends with benefits" then be that....either way, you have no "claim" on her and she has no "claim" on if she is involved with someone else, so what! If you want her for yourself then tell her.

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

This is what I'm gonna do:

I see if I truly love her or not

I see if she truly loves me or not

If yes, then we live together happy & nice.

If not, then we split & we follow our lives without each other including our (residence)

If you broke up, then you are whether strangers or friends, if stranger, then what is cuddle , sleeping in the same bed or sex ? If friends we can say cuddle or sleeping beside each other would be fine but what sex says here ?

If you broke up, what's the meaning of couple therapy sessions ?

You guys just need to stop assuming &get into real life, you wanna be with together or not ? Stop disrespecting each other & wasting each other's life & time. So simple.

Plus, she's free to get involve with anyone she wants, because you guys are broke up, & the place you living is a "Hollywood movie" not a "Real family" when she's out of the house (the scene) she  get her real man. She's your actress partner nothing more. So your emotional problems caused by yourself it's not her fault.

You guys need to just clear things up & stop acting like this.

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