Not really!
Nope ... But I did follow someone around once, with my shopping cart ... 'cause I thought they were the person I came in with. (I got distracted by the candy. Lol)
Oh, yeah. I though it was my boyfriend and I said, "Hi Handsome!" I was SO embarrassed.
I haven't done it myself, but l've been on the receiving end several times. I guess I have that type of face.
After being overseas for a year I came home on leave without telling my parents. I wanted to surprise them. (Also as a point of explanation, my mail overseas did not catch up with me.) I snuck around to the back of the house and saw my mom at the kitchen sink. Her back was to me so she didn't see me. I sneaked in and gave her a big hug and kiss on the neck. It wasn't mom. There was lots of screaming and a big old guy with an even bigger shotgun. I explained I thought I was in my parents house. Well I was sort of. My parents had moved two weeks earlier to the other side of town. The husband would not take the rifle off me till he called my dad and he came around to I.D. me. After that it was all smiles and laughs, at my expense. Talk about embarrassment.
I've pushed someone else's trolley around the supermarket thinking it was mine, and not just once. I've looked down thinking 'This isn't my shopping.'
In my younger days I went to a nightclub, whilst in the ladies I got speaking to a woman named Carly who my sister went to school with...except she wasn't Carly and didn't know me O_o
Lost count of the times I've waved at people thinking I know them, (it's surprising how many enthusiastically wave back).
People have also come up talking to me and I've stood there thinking 'Do I know you?'
One woman I got talking to and she started phoning me. A year past her phoning me once a week, and I couldn't remember her name from the moment we'd met, and I thought it a bit impolite to turn around and say 'I know every detail about your life, except your name, what is it?' Thankfully it came up in conversation when she spoke about herself as a third person, but from then on I tried to make a conscious decision to remember names by relating them to something familiar with the person.
Still my partner is the same. Some pregnant lady started talking to him at the supermarket about her cravings justifying her jaffa cake and supernoodle selection of food for dinner (made me chuckle), my partner just looked dumbfounded at introducing us, he then said to her "Sorry what's your name?" Turns out he has only spoke to her every Neighbourhood watch meeting for the last 7 years :D
I've lost count how many cars I've tried to get in which are not mine but are the same model.
One night I came home trudging up the flats staircase, put my key in the door and couldn't unlock it, turns out I had another flight to climb to my floor.
The other day I went for a walk to the park with my partner, both chatting and looked down and I had one black and one brown boot on.
For me the list is endless for this type of thing.
Hannah Gartmen tapped me on the shoulder but i was not responding. I felt 2 taps on my shoulder and then Alyssa tapped me on my shoulder also.