How old is too old to get married?


6 Answers

Shinypate one Profile
Shinypate one answered

I think once you are dead, you are too old. If your interests in others is dead, you are also too old. But marriage is a contract any adult can form, at any age, and i would be roundly criticized if I set an age, and well would it apply.

Anyone can run for President. But only two people have a realistic chance in any given cycle. Does this mean everyone else should not try? No, No, and No! If you want to commit in marriage, all you need is a willing partner.

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

Never is too old / Never is too late

4 People thanked the writer.
Betty Boo
Betty Boo commented
In my upper 60's.
Hope I haven't waited too long.
Matt Radiance
Matt Radiance commented
You need to share your life with someone else when you feel ready physically & psychologically for it.To find someone that you fall in love,trust & rely on & someone who fit your terms. There's no age for facing these terms.Live life to the fullest & enjoy every & each of your moments. & never let such A number stop you. Age is just a number. What it counts is your heart & soul.
Betty Boo
Betty Boo commented
That is very wise.
Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

There is no upper age limit on marriage.

Cyber Tooth Tiger Profile

No your never too old to get Grandma was married and lost my grand-dad back in 1983. I was only age 15...she moved to our city in 1988 and met a nice man who was little older than her. I called him Grandpap John but they married in 1993 she was age 77 and was married till 1998 to he passed away. She passed 2004 from a broken hip at the age of 88 you're never too old to get married . :D

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

You are never too old. I have read of several couples in their 80s and 90s getting married. They want companionship as much as someone much younger.

Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright , Florida Paralegal with a BS degree in Social-Psychology, answered

There is no such thing as being too old to get married, only being too young to get married. The best age for marriages with the most successful rate is 24-25 and after that age doesn't matter when youre truly in love and don't let anyone tell you any different.  The only real bad part here is that marriage is no longer looked upon as a good thing in todays society so many have forsaken marriage for living together which is sad but reality.  

So if you find your true one soul mate or love, what you two agree to do here is totally up to you two only as there is no wrong nor right here anymore unless youre old fashioned as I.  Ive been married now over 35 years so I believe in Marriage and Family.  Good luck

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