Can you afford to raise a baby if a pregnancy happens?
Virginity is not a disease that you should lose ASAP.... it's a precious thing... You should concentrate on your future and goals in life rather than sex and virginity!
Virginity is an antiquated notion that you somehow lose something by having sex for the first time. And who's to say what kind of sex (oral, vaginal, or anal) is the kind of sex in one would lose their virginity? The concept of virginity makes women who have had sex somehow seem dirtier than one who has not. It makes men who have not had sex somehow less of a man. In both cases, whether one has had sex or not really doesn't matter--it's simply whether or not they have chosen to have sex.
Having sex does come with some real potentially life changing effects and that is why it is important to be mature and educated. Having vaginal sex does come with the risk of becoming pregnant. Any kind of sex (oral, vaginal, or anal) does come with risks of transmitting sexual infections (STIs). It is important when and if you choose to engage in sex that 1) It is consensual between all adult partner(s) 2) It is safe (using male/female condoms and/or dental dams).
Having sex won't change you as a person. It's just having sex, so do it when you feel (and are) prepared and when it seems right.