You last as long has God wants you to.
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There are a variety of ways to help yourself to last longer in bed, and the most common method is to think about something else other than sex. It sounds funny, but you'd be surprised at how long you can last if you're thinking about sport or taxes, for example.
Having said that, there are issues with this technique as you're not completely focused on the task at hand, and can therefore under perform in other ways. You're probably better off, therefore, trying something else. Here are a few options.Try to remain calm
One of the biggest problems faced by men in the bedroom is performance anxiety. If you're worried about performing well, you're more likely to be anxious, and will therefore not be able to last very long at all.
By remaining calm, you're much more in control of the situation, and will often last a lot longer than if you're nervous.
Slow down
Another great way to last longer in bed is to take control of how quickly things are happening. If you're feeling like you can't last much longer, you should slow down, and even change position to give yourself time to calm down again.
The final piece of advice may seem a little odd, but it's certainly something that's been proven to work. By exercising the pubococcygeus muscle, you can increase your control of how long you'll last.
If you're unsure of how to do this (I assume you are), then you should try to stop peeing during full flow. To do this you'll use the pubococcygeus muscle, so will know how to contract this when you're not peeing.
You should aim to contract the pubococcygeus muscle and hold the contraction a few times per day, and after a while, you'll have better control of your ability to last longer in bed.