How did you meet your other half?


7 Answers

Izzy SouthernGirl Profile

Hey Robin I tell people this all of the time.  

I am 21 years old and never dated in my life. Its just something God didn't plan for me. Usually people date at like 14 and up which is insanely young and sometimes apart of me thinks people only wanna date so they can say they have a boy friend or girl friend so they don't feel left out.  

Me on the other hand. I could care less. It is very rare I will think about it and then it just doesn't bother me so much.  So really I don't care if I don't have anyone. 

If someone comes along its something for me to think about other than that I am happy. Maybe its just God saying that dating isn't meant for you and that is okay too.

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

Generally, relationships form between people that spend time together. Often, this is in a circumstance where finding a partner isn't the primary objective (school, college, workplace).

I, myself, met my girlfriend in highschool.. And we've been together for over 10 years now!

How do I meet someone?

If you're concerned about the likelihood of meeting the perfect partner, I'd suggest treating the situation like a math problem.

Statistically, you are more likely to encounter and bond with another person if you're:

a) Frequently meeting people and making friends

b) Seeing those friends on more than one occasion.

How you engineer these situations is the challenge. For example, perhaps you might meet someone at a party who you enjoy spending time with.

In order to get to known them better and form a stronger bond, you'll need to find an excuse for repeat contact: Ask them out on a date, suggest you 'hang out' some time, or even show an interest in a hobby or pastime of theirs, in the hope that they might invite you along.

Like most things in life relationships seem to work best when you act natural, don't try to hard, and go out there with confidence and good intentions. The rest should hopefully fall in place.

And if all else fails, there's always internet dating.

If that's the road you want to go down, then here's some helpful advice on the do's and don'ts of internet dating:

Robin Banks Profile
Robin Banks answered

I ask because I'm almost 25 now and I've never been in a long-term relationship. That in itself doesn't bother me all that much, I don't feel it's an absolute must, for me, to settle down at any point. Some people probably aren't meant for relationships anyway and if I'm one of them then so be it. I can live with that.

Thing is If that's the case I would like to feel as though I've "tried" per se, and in my current situation I stand very little chance of ever meeting  a woman, let alone it blossoming into something significant. I am just wondering where people typically meet their romantic partners so I can maybe broaden my horizons a bit. I don't want to look back in years to come and wonder "what if?", if that makes any sense.

clarissa  Fox Profile
clarissa Fox answered

Online, then met up the next day

Awesome  Autumn Profile
Awesome Autumn answered

I know how you feel, some times I feel like I am going to be alone for ever, but like Izzy said its not the right time for me to date.

david kissiedu Profile
david kissiedu , am an skin care expect, answered

Hi, you just have to take time in finding a partner

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