I wanted to be a news reporter because my mom always asked me to be quite for I asked too many questions...lol! Well, I am now quiet.♥ And lawyers, like news reporters ask a lot of questions(but lawyers don't always bring bad news as do most reporters), hence I went to law school.♥
I guess I was always good with animals so I wanted to be a vet. But instead got pregnant and became a mom and a wife and my husband at the time was very jealous so I did not even finish high school so there went that dream
I wanted to be an Officer in the US Army. Both of my parents were successful high ranking Army Officers and they had the life! Little did I know until I almost commissioned, they also went through some very hard times. I respect them so much more knowing what they went through. I did not give up because it was hard; one of my knees gave up. I still dream about what it would be like to be an officer, but then again, everything I have done has made me who I am today. Frankly, I'm in the best place I could possibly be!
When i was younger i had a few different ones. A psychiatrist for a long time but that took too much school. Then a news reporter and then I realized they got up too early and had to wear makeup all day. After that Im still not sure. I would like to have a small landscape company or a bar. I know I'm getting back into my doggies here in the next year or so. Can't wait! Nice question. We need these sometimes to kick start our minds!!!♥
I wanted to be a doctor, a surgeon in particular.
I wanted to be an architect. When I was little I would always draw floor plans of houses I wanted to live in! So much for my dream!! I sell car parts now! That's a far cry, but I like it!!
I wanted to be like my mother. I admired her strength, her ability to manage 8 kids and a husband, her care and love. I also wanted to be a good cook like she was.
Since I'm not grown up completely yet, I still have the dream of being an architect, shoe/clothes designer, or a kindergarten teacher!
Since I am 18 and not fully grown up I still am trying to fulfil my dream of becoming a pediatrician.
I'm currently doing my media degree at University, so I can follow my dream of being a print journalist.
I had always had a passion for Psychology subject from my teenage, but i wanted to become a psychiatrist, but coud'nt become one. Still now i have passion for it. I keep reading books on Psychology
I wanna be a scientist or one thing similar to you-a Fashion designer.I know both have a great difference but I have interest in both and secondly I am a good artist as well as a science lover.I am very good in Chemistry(don't think I am self praising) and I love Physics too.
Believe or not I always wanted to be a Working COWBOY! And I was, TOO!

Anything but what I am now. A fighter pilot was what I wanted early on but found my vision not up to snuff.
I wanted to be a mommy. seriously, So I got what I wanted most ;)
I always want to be in a career that is in related to computers!!
Who knows Maybe I can be the Next Bill Gates OR Steve Jobs!!
Who knows Maybe I can be the Next Bill Gates OR Steve Jobs!!
I'm am still 23 and I don't know what i want to be! But I'm Planning on going back to collage and become a videographer.
I never really thought about it. But now I would like to be a writer.
God is truly glorified when we live the life of grace here on earth. Gloria Dei est vivens homo! taylormarshall.com/2013/04/the-glory-of-god-is-man-fully-ali
I'm doing my best----some even approve of my efforts.