A woman grabbed me by my leg while in the movie theater. I kept kicking her seat, and I didn't know she was sitting there so she turns around, grabs my leg, and hisses, "STOP IT RIGHT NOW OR ELSE I'LL BEAT YOU UP!" So I started crying and then my mom did an official call to the cops about it. They came to the movie theater and asked me questions. And then like after that, the lady came out of the women's bathroom and ran to the other side of the movie theater where you go and watch your movie. I hope the police got her because I wish I got revenge on her for it. But of course she would make an official call to the police too so . . .
Anyway, I was about 5 or 6 that time. I was born in 2000 and I'm 15 so 15 - 6 = 9 so I got my feelings hurt 9 years ago. Or 10.