Yes, I would say so. It brings the temperatures down so its not so hot. Just have to make sure theres an extra blanket on the bed if it gets to cold especially, in the winter time. But if it starts to thunder and lightening then I hide under the covers and can't sleep to good. Lightening and thunder scare me. I am silly I know.
I grew up in Washington state with it raining a lot. I sleep a lot better when it rains. But now that I live in So Cal, it hardly ever rains. Maybe that's why I don't sleep well anymore....
The sound of rain fall is really so relaxing, it's great to take advantage while at home or even at work, just relax and enjoy while it last, because life can be stressful.
My answer is pretty much the same as everyone else. Soft rain is relaxing on our metal roof, but hard rain, hail, and thunderstorms keep me awake. Since I live in Oregon I am awake a heck of a lot of the time, day and night.
Had to answer hehe... I don't like the loud thunder and such as it can wake me, but a nice rain with a constant rhythm is so lulling.
I love the rain, and I'm one of the few that love the thunder storms (it would seem) I have chronic insomnia, but when it rains or storms, I get energized by the storms approaching then once it gets here I get sleepy and can sleep for hours
Yes, I do. I even sleep well. During storms. I love to hear the rain on the roof.
I sure do! It makes me lazy and I love to listen to it hitting the roof! Just as long as it don't last for days on end!! LOL!
Yes. I find the sound of rain very comforting. It also makes me feel glad that I'm indoors in bed and not out in the cold, which helps me to get to sleep! I dislike thunderstorms though. The thunder and lightening tend to keep me awake. For me, just the pattering of the rain on the roof is perfect.
I hate to sound like a broken record but I, too, sleep better when it rains.
Yes because its relaxing
I can't sleep if it is raining, rain gives me energy so I am wide awake whenever it rains...
I sleep very good when it rains. I think the sound just calms me and makes me very sleepy. The thunder/lightning makes me even more sleepier. I love the sound of thunder. I don't know why? Some people tend to get scared from the sound, but I tend to get more calm from it.
Yup! I love the rain.
Yes, somehow the soft rain pudding makes me feel safe and comfortable. I also enjoy it when it thunders, I feel like I'm in a horror movie! Haha!