How To Teach My Child To Walk?


8 Answers

d ds Profile
d ds answered
You can try put him in a child walker for sometime and see If he can walk and run in it properly, Also help him to stand along walls of house and start walking by keeping one hand on wall. Also try the same with bed and also encourage him to go up and down from the bed. Once he gets comfortable with it then try to place him a bit far from wall/bed and let him go to it himself, In this way he will start walking slowly.

You can also contact doctor If he needs any special treatment or
exercise by examining him closely for any, God forbid, disorder.

My best wishes for your child.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't feel like there is a problem with teaching your child to learn to walk. They learn everything from us. Theyre like little sponges. We should be showing them how to walk and I think its ridiculous to think that someone on here would post that you shouldn't teach your child how to walk! How exactly would they learn?? My baby is 9 months right now and he wants to walk sooo bad. He has always been a fast learner and has done everything early. He was crawling at 5 months and sitting on his own at like 3 and a half months. I do agree that babies learn at their own rate and that mothers shouldnt compete but I still feel that you should TEACH your children how to do things properly!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I use to stand my baby brother up against the wall, back on the wall and I would move a few paces back and hold my hands out to him. At first he would just stand there. Then he began to ease down as if he wanted to sit. Eventually he would take steps towards me.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Don't worry to much, I didn't start walking until I was 2 years old. I was a lazy baby apparently. But I'm fine now.
All you can do is encourage him to walk in any way you can. He'll pick it up in time.
SidrA Tasneem Profile
SidrA Tasneem answered
The best way is to hold her hand and take teach her to take steps and give encouragement and later when the baby learns to take steps buy her a walker and make her sit in it and encourage her to push it around.
martha Profile
martha answered
I gave my kids some sort of push toy they could walk behind.  It gave them stability until they no longer need it.  Also hold hands with her and walk slowly around the house.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Have one person at one end and another at the other end the person who does not have the baby has his favorite toy now the person that has the baby stand him up and let him go he may fall a few times so you should do it on carpet and do it back and fourth
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Please do not teach your baby to walk.  Give him or her the opportunity to learn on his or her own.  Your child's brain and body need to figure it out independently to develop normally.   Don't feel competitive with other mothers.

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