
How Can You Tell If Someone Is Fake Laughing And Fake Hyper?


6 Answers

Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
It only comes with experience. If you know the psychology well then you can learn behaviors, patterns, actions, reactions of people and can conclude about the truthfulness of matter.

You can easily tell if a person is laughing in a true sense or pretending by his/her facial expressions, his/her eye contact and body language.
Penny Kay Profile
Penny Kay answered
Some people are very good at fake laughing, but the reality of the smile usually gives it away. Also the fake laughter sounds rehearsed and is not accompanied by the body convulsions that accompany true laughter. A truly hyper person will be constantly doing something or talking a lot, and will seem a little nervous, and may make you a little nervous too. It is the grandiosity of activity that highlights the hyper person.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
For laughing you can tell by their eyes. When someone genuinely laughs, there eyes react, fake laughs don't move their eyes individually, their face moves which moves their eyes
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If someone is fake hyper you can tell because they will do stupid stuff all of a sudden and then like 10 seconds or 15 seconds later be all normal or smile while they are hyper or ask...was I just hyper? Then you  know that they are faking.
moodie madd Profile
moodie madd answered
Well when people fake laugh it is usually louder and not as "breathless". When people are fake hyper, which really annoys me,they try to be funny and fake funny things like running into something. They will also, usually be more annoying while do both of these "fakes".
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you are truly hyper you wouldnt know that your hyper so when ppl are like "I'm so hyper!" you know they are faking because you wouldnt kno that you are hyper. You just naturally act differently

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