
Is It Normal For Girls To Touch Themselves?


5 Answers

laine jackson Profile
laine jackson answered
It is totally normal.girls and guys arent that different when it comes to sexual frustrations. God created sex for us to enjoy, so there is no problem with it. Who ever tells you otherwise probably asked they're parents,which scared them so they scared their child so they wouldnt ever try it.>P
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, Christan's touch themselves, because they believe sex before marriage is wrong, but they still have to pleasure themselves
thats MASTURBATION, hello!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Completely. I do. This BENING has wierd ideas. Guys do it all the time. Why can't girls. It is completely normal.
Benjamin Ing Profile
Benjamin Ing answered
Noooooooo! It is not normal it is sick and what sluts do fair enough if your mans away and you have a little extra help but never TOUCH YOURSELF ! Don't FORGET GOD PUT A PLAYGROUND NEAR A SEWAGE SYSTEM!

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