
I Want To Write A I Am Sorry Letter To A Friend And I Don't Know How To Do It! Can You Please Help Me?


12 Answers

laine jackson Profile
laine jackson answered
Start with dear (your friends name) say how sorry you are and how much he means to you as a friend. Speak from the heart.♥
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You have to write from your heart and say what you feel don't hold back put your whole heart into it and if they don't forgive you they werent a good friend to begin with
thanked the writer.
Theodore Putnam
Theodore Putnam commented
Dont refrain from saying something because you might lose your friend, say what you are feeling because chances are they will still be your friend if they know you are truly sorry. Best of luck!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1.say sorry
2.list what you did
3.list why your sorry
4. Say sorry again
Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
If you want to say sorry to such an old friend you must do something special. You can take flowers for him and if possible a gift. Take immense care in choosing your gift. Take something that is memorable for both of you like a song, a movie, a picture of both of you etc. With a small note simply saying I am sorry. However, if you still want to write a proper apology letter here is a link that will help you out:
Karen Henchen Profile
Karen Henchen answered
Just sit down and start writing. It is a lot easier to get the words out on paper than on the phone or even in person. You can tell him exactly how you feel and why you did what you did. Explain in detail where your mind was at when the bad thing happened. Be sincere and honest. If you are really sorry, it will be conveyed in your words. Tell him about how you are willing to change and forget the bad part of your past. Once you start, the words will just flow. If it is easier, type it on the computer first for spell check and what not, but make sure you hand write the letter you give to him. It makes it more personal and shows that you really took time to do it.

We all deserve second chances, I hope you get yours.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My friend want to space from me..what can I do?I love her for I don't know reason...I treat her like my sister and I don't want her let go from me...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ummmm, just let him chill off.....if hes really a friend he would understand that you want 2 fix your friend relationship with..... Don't worry.....I had the same problem trust me.....hes complicated and I tried and tried to fix things.....but I still do love him.... Still he needs to chill off from me.... I had a chance with him....but I've messed things up....but really just say what you wanted to say in the beginning......say that your truly sorry n 2 b forgiven.... Second chances every1 needs in life..... GOOD LUCK =]
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ive been acting weird towards my best friend justine and she says I'm pushing her away. I want to tell her I'm sorry.
amna amna Profile
amna amna answered
Plz someone help me I want  to write a letter to my friend but my english is not good so plz help me
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If your scared 2 say it in a letter just say it in person. It wont hurt you it will just make you feel better because you  no that you have told them the truth straight up. The only reason I no this is because I'm going through the same problem right now with a friend that I have known since I was 3 years old.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Dear   friend
I   am   sorry   for   what   I   did   I   will   never   do   it   again   I   hope   you   fill better.thank   you   for   being   my   friend loveu


I   am   sorry   for   what   I   did   I   willnot   do   it   again
Vikash Swaroop Profile
Vikash Swaroop answered
It is very difficult to write a letter in which you have regretted something because you are making into shreds the feeling of someone who has entrusted you. But if you apply certain methods, certainly you can save your face.

The first thing you need to take care is that whatever you are writing must have honesty in it and you should also provide genuine reasons for which the proposal of the person is rejected. One thing you must note that there is no superficial language used in it and also that if he is sending any other proposal, it will be treated as a separate one and you will not be getting prejudiced because of the past proposal.

If you do that, we expect that the person will understand your problem of not accepting his proposal and will admire your sincere regret.

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