George Washington didn't wear a wig.. It was his natural hair powdered white. I remember this from history. I went seeking for a source to confirm and found one.
As far as his stoic appearance Camryn explained this correctly.
I suggest going to any fabric store or walmart or wherever and getting a simple few yards of soft black fabric. You'll get it for around $10 or so. Set up some soft lights in a room you can comfortably move around and pose in. Make certain you have cleared all other obstacles or distractions … Read more
Your hair follicles might slow down the growth if the hair is coming out but I'm not brain damaged and my brothers pulled my hair a lot as a child. On the flip side if the hair however is yanked really, really hard you could end up with a neck injury.
If you are no where near the town or state where you were born you can use this site:
Most require a copy of some form of ID as well.
In the UK:
Yes.. I've currently got it on my scalp. It is entirely in my hair line and predominately on the left side of my scalp. If you suspect shingles on the scalp you must see a doctor to start treatment. Once shingles spreads to the face blindness is a possibility.