If A Man Is Taking Antibiotics, Could It Be In His Sperm, And If He Has Sex, Could He Give A Woman A Yeast Infection, From Antibiotics In The Sperm?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Guest "Indiana Jones" below me is right on. All the people must be men because they didn't know that you can get a yeast infection FROM an antibiotic.  I feel onto this board because I have a feeling I got a yeast infection from my Fiancee's sperm.  He has been on heavy antibiotics for a cyst and I have a feeling that's the only reason why I'm all itchy and Burney.  After reading a few other boards I think family doctors only see this very often so many pharmacist and special practice doctors are out of the loop.

I find this theory.... VERY PLAUSIBLE!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Please don't provide answers if you do not know what you are talking about.  A yeast infection is not bacterial, therefore, antibiotics will not cure it.  In fact, antibiotics ARE the leading cause of yeast infections.  They kill off the good bacteria upsetting the balance of things allowing the yeast to grow unchecked.
Dawn Meng Profile
Dawn Meng answered

Yeast infections, such as thrush in the mouth or esophagus or vagina CAN be caused by the woman taking antibiotics. If you have an already weakened immune system or if your system is already out of wack, the antibiotics will bring on the thrush. You then must use a special medication to break down the thrush wether it be vaginally or orally. Antibiotics is one of the highest causes of a yeast infection.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Aandmklove, please read the first paragraph on the webpage.

"Please don't provide answers if you do not know what you are talking about.  A yeast infection is not bacterial, therefore, antibiotics will not cure it.  In fact, antibiotics ARE the leading cause of yeast infections.  They kill off the good bacteria upsetting the balance of things allowing the yeast to grow unchecked."
Jim Profile
Jim answered
All answer's appear correct, though you should be married before having sex with someone!. Here is an idea to give yourself something to think about. If you want to lesson the chance of obtaining an easily transferred Yeast infection again, you should be aware of your partner's oral higiene if you partake in oral sex!. If you do not partake in proper dental hygiene before oral sex you have a very high chance of obtaining a yeast infection. Most mouth's contain a higher percentage of yeast than any other possible damaging agent and be easily and overwhelmingly be transferred to the woman's private's giving her a very high chance of obtaining the yeast infection. So remember, sex should not start until you are cleansed enough to lesson the likelihood of a bad incident like the yeast infection, smelling someone's daylong sweat, dealing with unclean private's, etc. I used to get upset with my lady, she figured sex should not be planned, just happen, well year's later she told me after a couple interludes while we were apart that she always's liked that I was always clean when we were intimate. Now this woman just never listened to me, she always's had to have everything her way, well after getting a yeast infection and telling me she finally understood my reason for cleanliness and she finally understood why!...
michael finnegan Profile
No. Antibiotics do not cause infections, they neutralize them [not to say that someone couldn't have a reaction to them, but the amount that could populate semen is extremely unlikely to affect the recipient]. Now, if he's carrying a yeast infection, the transfer of bodily fluids produces such a possibility.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anti biotics are to cure a yeast infection - the anti biotics wouldnt give any one an infection. It could be passed on by sex if he was not completely cured. (I am not medically trained but this is my opinion.)

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