
Should I Be Afraid Of Death?


10 Answers

Oscar De La Huerte Profile
Fear of death is something that has always haunted mankind. Even though it is impossible to avoid, we all spend a certain amount of our life worrying about it.

Is death something to be feared?

How you approach death will always be a very personal and individual aspect of your life, and whether you should be afraid of death will really depend on what you believe comes after death.

Since no-one has died and then come back to tell us, we can only assume what death really means.

Are you afraid of death?

Death is seen as an absolute end, a place of no return. Once you've crossed into the realm of death, there really is no coming back.

When I think about death in these terms, I can't help but be terrified of it. I think about all the people I'd be leaving behind if I died, all the experiences I would never have, all the mundane things I probably took for granted during my life that would never happen again.

In this context, it is really hard not to feel afraid of death.

Death and religion

On the other hand, if you have a belief that death is not the end, then perhaps death isn't that bad.
Most major religions teach that death is not the final end, but rather a transition- from one world to another.

In the three Abrahamic religions, death is followed by a period of rest leading up to a final judgement day. This is when all of mankind is summoned before God and judged on their actions and lives. Those who have followed a righteous path are elevated to heaven, a place of eternal joy and happiness.

Those who haven't are condemned to an eternity of suffering in hell.

If you subscribe to the belief of heaven and hell, then your view on death will undoubtedly be different. In fact all religions have their own view of death. In each case, death is seen as something inevitable and natural, a process that all humans must go through.

Even if you believe in the religious views of death, there will always remain a seed of doubt in the human mind, and even this small doubt can be enough to consume an individual with fear at the prospect of impending  death.
awawa tokyo Profile
awawa tokyo answered
I am always afraid of death, and feel very scared by just thinking there is NO me in this world!

I try not to think, because I cannot change it, every one has to die! It's the destiny of life. So you can be afraid, but do not think too much, enjoy the everyday life.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Nope... Just think when you die you go to the most  wonderful place... Heaven.
When you're in heaven there's nothing to worry about.
David P Hobart Profile
David P Hobart answered
Why would you be afraid of death? Being dead is easy it is life that is hard for many people.

Dying itself of course is a different matter. Some people are lucky and pass away in their sleep while others suffer very unpleasant deaths. If you are religious look to that for solace and support if you are worried.

Above all don't dwell on this subject there are far more positive things to think about. Enjoy life and live it to the full. Seize the day!
Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

The US Marines boast that, "Death smiles at all men. Marines smile back."

Fear of dying is understandable but death itself, with it's almost certain promise of oblivion, is nothing to be feared -- unless, of course, you think that Heaven and Hell are realities. Even the hope of Paradise would be tempered by fear of the eternal torment.

I'm so old that the Grim Reaper gives me a friendly wave each time he rides his Harley down my street. One day he's going to stop and offer to take me for a ride. By then I will be ready to go.

It's no big deal. We all get there sooner or later.


otis otiscambell Profile

Everyone is afraid of death, it's natural. But when you get older and your health goes down the tube your ready for death and to see heaven

Mark Westbrook Profile
Mark Westbrook answered
Death is simply the end of our physical life. We were not aware of our absence of life and we are unlikely to be aware of our death.

Death may come quickly or it may come painfully slowly, but death itself is something that we should simply accept as part of the cycle of life.

Being afraid of death will not change anything about it. Death will come when it comes and we have little if any say in when he with the food and the scythe comes knocking.

Being afraid is natural, when we think of not existing, it is frightening. One day, we will simply not be. We will stop being and there won't even be a hole where you once were.

You simply won't be there.

For this reason, we have to live each minute, each second, each hour and each day, with life and light, and live and die without being afraid.
mla mla Profile
mla mla answered

We should not be afraid of death because then we will regret the chances we didn't take. Last year, I visited the Grand Canyon. Before going, I was scared to go because of the death aspect. But once I got there, and stood and took it all in, There was no place I'd rather have been. If I had refused the opportunity, I would have missed something amazing.

Ellie E. Weedon Profile
Ellie E. Weedon answered

Uh, no.

Dying is a natural part of life and is inevitable. Thinking of something that you cannot control can cause you undue emotional distress and depression and will eventual ruin your quality of life.

Enjoy this amazing experience and let nothing hold you back.

Don't believe things without evidence and please donate your bodies to science.

Good luck.

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