Anybody ready to run away this holiday season?


5 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Gator, my friend. 😔 I am so sorry you are having a rough time. I am not feeling like running away but DANG I am ready to leave Cali and go back to AZ! This place got crazier after we left! I fear leaving my parents and loved ones behind. 😓 Janis, Dragonfly, I pray your areas are still good. 😔

In the last two days I had to pull my car up to the door of a lady in the middle of a domestic dispute at the mall and ask her if she needed any help. Her boyfriend or whoever forcefully pulled her into the car and as soon as I knew others called the cops and she was able to get out of the vehicle, I left. Then this morning I had some dude have the balls to say to me as I walked by "hay b!tch! Do you have any change? I'm homeless." REALLY! Right after that I was getting into my car. Put my seatbelt on. (Had my kids already in the car. Yang behind the wheel.) I turned to talk to Jr. Just as some FN fool came flying around the corner running a red light, hit my car with his car and ran! So we spent our afternoon dealing with cops, ambulance, insurance, surveillance cameras, police reports, etc. Thank God no one got hurt but DANG! MY BABIES WERE IN THE CAR! We found the @zzhole dumping his wrecked bumper on video at a bus stop like it was nothing! He had no FN care in the world! I'm so angry!

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Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Thank you my friends. I truly appreciate your words. I'm gonna take a blessing from it (besides everyone being okay of course! 😅) It has opened my eyes to see, that I don't yearn to come back like I use to. I am adjusting to my new home and enjoying my new friendships I'm making. I am also seeing how the people in Yuma keep telling me "It's not as fast pace as Cali." I didn't understand till I came back this week. Now I know. Not only was Christmas a blessing this year but I think all the "negative" that happened was a positive eye opener. 😊
PJ Stein
PJ Stein commented
I am glad no one was hurt, but geez! Too much excitement for me right now.
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
I hear you my friend. 😊 Thank you kindly.
Mountain  Man Profile
Mountain Man answered

I'm ready to move on. It wasn't a bad holiday, but like Willie said, I'm ready to have things get back to normal.

Toni Pauze Profile
Toni Pauze answered

I’m ready for normal. Had a great holiday but time to move on.

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