
How can I catch a cheating spouse?


3 Answers

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

Brice White quote:

" ...we would retrieve evidence of their shady activities and secret chat from their phone by remotely accessing the server of their phone and cloning it into a dashboard for you to gain full access into it"

Note that this is a FEDERAL FELONY in the US.

They have acknowledged their guilt in this crime on a public website, for all to see.

If you hire these people, you will be a conspirator in this felony, and subject to the same fines and prison term.

Dances With  Wolves Profile

I'm not worried about trying to catch a cheating girlfriend or wife, whatever happens in life does, no one can stop it from happening and I sure am not hiring someone to try to catch a girl whose cheating on me I want make sure the relationship i go into is for real and not all a game cause it does happen. I'm just going to pray about things and lay things in Gods hands and hope for the best to come out of it.

Brice White Profile
Brice White answered

The only advisable way to catch a cheating spouse is to Hire a private investigator,  As a private investigator we would retrieve evidence of their shady activities and secret chat from their phone by remotely accessing the server of their phone and cloning it into a dashboard for you to gain full access into it. We also track their movements and locations to you per time and you'd get the feedback in your email address.  Please contact a private investigator today on cyberwarriorspy61 (at) gmail(dot)com

thanked the writer.
Walt O'Reagun
Walt O'Reagun commented
Quote: "...we would retrieve evidence of their shady activities and secret chat from their phone by remotely accessing the server of their phone and cloning it into a dashboard for you to gain full access into it"

You would engage in ILLEGAL activities? Which are a FEDERAL FELONY?
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
And Federal offenses you HAVE to serve a minimum of 80% of your prison time before you can be released on "Good behavior." You deserve what's coming to you fool!
Dances With  Wolves
Yes this is Federal offense, i would not do all that stuff that is way out of term . But crazy people will risk everything i swear this worlds coming to end. Sure enough we are living in the last days and only the Man above knows when he is returning.

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