Stripped of all but food, shelter, water, clothing and your choice of companionship, what is one other thing you cannot do without?


9 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Please don't be mad at me my friend..... 😉

It would have to be my bag I have sitting next to me right now. (It has my Bible, journal and pens.)

4 People thanked the writer.
Call me Z
Call me Z commented
Nothing wrong with that.

This is a question about personal values, it isn’t my intent to judge what another values, only to gain a wider perspective.
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
My friend, thank you. ☺
Otis Campbell Profile
Otis Campbell answered

Cigars pepsi motormouth kitty

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

Well, I'm not sure---but you know that I would not expect to be "alone" even in those circumstances.  ( lol )

3 People thanked the writer.
Call me Z
Call me Z commented
I included “choice of companionship”, for this reason. Lol
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
Yes, I know. I was having a little fun as you guessed, and I am not quite ready to file my God under the "companion" category.

My relationship with Him is, shall we say, "Complicated." LOL
Toni Pauze Profile
Toni Pauze answered

Reading material

Answer Question
