Do you ever lie when you answer my questions? 😑


15 Answers

Mountain  Man Profile
Mountain Man answered

No.. I've posted exaggerations that were meant to be humorous.

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

I tell the truth but I like to add humor to it.... Such as my hubby does say I make a meat loaf that glows.... The glowing part, that's obviously fake to make my readers chuckle but it paints a portrait of my culinary mishaps when I am in the kitchen. Truth be told.... I never tried making a meat loaf.... Which makes the joke funnier to me. Hmmm..... Im heading off to the store right now.... Maybe i should try making a meat loaf! Lol!

7 People thanked the writer.
HappyTo BeHereTo
HappyTo BeHereTo commented
It's just creative writing! 😜 I love how your answer wandered off like you did. Too fun, my friend. ❀️😊
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Lol!!!! Always! Hay Yang use to say I was so obsessed with taking pictures that I would take pictures OF the pictures.... (he just didn't understand I HAD to take pictures OF how our first apartment looked so we could show our kids how mama decorated it..... which had an abundance of 8X10 pictures on the wall...) πŸ˜… So if I take pictures OF the pictures you know I have stories OF the stories!!!!! Lol!
HappyTo BeHereTo
HappyTo BeHereTo commented
I think I was actually able to follow that!
Skip  Gentry Profile
Skip Gentry answered

No. I answer questions truthfully.

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , What does this mean?, answered

Of course not. Why lie?

Then again, if I was lieing, I'd still say the same thing *evil laugh*

6 People thanked the writer.
HappyTo BeHereTo
HappyTo BeHereTo commented
Hey, did you see my comment the other day? The new Star Wars game is due in Nov. Hooray! Turns out the story mode is one player, but I can still do some split screen stuff. :)
Corey The Goofyhawk
Whhhaaaaatttt! No, I didn't see that! I'll have to keep an eye out for it.
HappyTo BeHereTo
HappyTo BeHereTo commented
I'm really looking forward to it! There's supposed to be a bunch of other new stuff too - like upgrading weapons (add a scope, etc.), new healing shields, you can shoot from inside the bubble shield...
Can't wait!
Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

No...and I don't think you should be thinking I was lying, when I said I was with Moses, when he parted the Red Sea....

Were you there? Lol lol lol...

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