
i am 298 pounds and am really unhappy with how i look right now is it possible to lose 200 pounds in 2 months?


1 Answers

Cheese And Crackers Profile

200 POUNDS? IN TWO MONTHS? AND YOU CURRENTLY WEIGH 298? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF HONEY? No, no, and no is what I have to say. You want to weigh 98 pounds in two months? First off, that is dangerous. Second off, ain't no way anyone could lose that much weight in 2 months. Look, I'm not trying to put you down. Losing weight is a slow process, it doesn't happen overnight. Here's what you can do;

-Watch what you eat

-Start off with exercise YOU can handle, don't try to do intense exercising, that's only for people who are trying to build muscle

-Don't completely torture yourself with food, reward yourself once in awhile with treats

-DON'T EVEN TOUCH those stupid foods that say "Fat free" or "Diet" or "light" okay? That's a bunch of s**t. It's still unhealthy.

-Try having organic, nutritious foods that will not only help you lose weight, but increase your health.

-Try educating yourself with documentaries about obesity, I recommend "What the Health?" It's a documentary about why people gain weight and what foods are bad.

-Obesity is a serious health issue. I could lead to DEATH. I myself have seen people pass away just because of their health issues. This is not to scare you, but to change why you want to lose weight. You're trying to lose weight because you don't like the way you look? No Honey, you want to lose weight for you and only you. Not for other people. Just because you might not appeal to someone, doesn't mean they should be the reason you're trying to lose weight, and if that's why, you should just stop reading this. That is not why you should be trying to lose weight. That will not get you through this process.

Tell yourself; "I'm trying to lose weight to be healthy, to stay alive, not for anyone else but me. Make yourself believe that and MAKE THAT YOUR GOAL. Good luck!


Adiba Islam

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