Yes, many pathetic worthless users. I used to have a sign on my forehead that said "Users, scammers and worthless carp, she's stupid and dumb will fall for any "Woe is me" story. I finally took that idiot sign off myself and now I give $1 if I give.
Yes, but only once.
Dear Zack, yes lots of times...
The Buddhists have a philosophical way of looking at it, that you can only really trust someone if they are a buddha. Everybody else, one way or another, will eventually let you down. This idea helps me to just accept folks as they are...
Lots of people. And some I even gave second chances to make it right. It is all part of life.
Many times but I think I've learned my lesson with that. I'm not a very trusting person anyway. I keep my distance now until a person proves that they can be trusted.
Yes and it had a devastating effect! If your next question is "If someone invented a time machine and sent you back to the moment where you met someone and you could change it, would you?" I would have to answer yes!
Haven't we all? I try not to make a habit of it, though.
Family friends wife etc etc
i Think at some point in life we all have.. But don" let that stop you from building trusting relationships with others. How about searching out a friend who shares your values and beliefs. The bible tells us that their exists a friend sticking closer than a brother.