How to avoid a presentation in class?( not PPT ,a verbal presentation)


7 Answers

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

Practice in front of a mirror, family and friends. 

Never avoid responsibility. Face it and give it your best.

Last week I have to give a 4 min talk to an audience. I was sweating and praying, I prepared, wrote it down, practiced and prayed for strength.

I made it. I believed in me 😄

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Purple Haze
Purple Haze commented
I too will have to do it anyway because it's compulsory and she wouldn't leave me later if I just remain absent that day...tbh I would rather just get eaten by a crocodile than give this presentation😐
Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka commented
Faith in your ability to do your best. I said self you do your best and self did. That's all I can ask of self.
Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

My suggestion is to face your fear and do the presentation. Even if you can get out of doing the presentation, it won't help you in the long run. My suggestion is to face your presentation head-on.

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Purple Haze
Purple Haze commented
The thing is I have these anxiety problems and I just can't face the crowd...I mean I get freaked out and all and we have to say it without referring to any sheet...if it was just reading it out from the sheet then I would have done it and this teacher keeps interrupting in between to explain the stuff we are presenting ....basically its like the most horrendous situation for me and I just don't wanna do it...tbh I would rather get eaten by crocodile than to give that presentation😐
Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

"Avoid" it? Other than having a good excuse like you suffer from an anxiety disorder, I doubt very much that you can "avoid" it.

My advise .. Embrace the opportunity to learn from this experience. Speaking in front of a group is challenging for most people .. I myself (the introvert that I am) am easily freeked out with such a task .. I am not that crazy about being the Center of attention .. Unless I  am speaking about something I am pationate about. I have done it..,but my task was more about directing attention towards the message, not "me".  I chose my words and focused on the message.

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Purple Haze
Purple Haze commented
I m probably the biggest introvert & socially phobic person... My anxiety always gets the best of me... and I m not even passionate about anything yet...and let me tell u it's legit horrendous to even stand in front of everyone ...and this is presentation I have to speak up n without help of any sheet or anything... And btw i m neber audible ....And there many students in my class I guess around 40+ remain present usually ...I swear it's much so that I would choose to die than to give presentation😐
Bikergirl Anonymous
I understand .. And can empathize. But.. We are learning so much more about personality disorders these days .. And one of the things that can break such a debilitating disorder (like any phobia) is to partake in activities that involve repetitition. Doing it over and over .. Practicing and facing fears to "retrain" or "rewire" the brain so as to disable the disability itself .. Instead of recoiling and succumbing to it. Take charge .. Take it by "the horns" so to speak .. And control IT .. . Don't let "it" control YOU.
Bikergirl Anonymous
You can do this!
PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

You can't avoid it. You just have to get up there and do it. Believe me NO ONE likes doing these. Some just hide it better than others. Just practice you material and take a deep breath before going up.

FYI, don't skip your caffeine that just because you are nervous. My brother did that and was going through caffeine withdrawals while giving his presentation. At least take a sip or two.

Anna Levi Profile
Anna Levi answered

Maybe explain to your teacher that you feel too anxious to give the presentation in front of the class, and ask whether it'd be possible to just give it in front of your teacher instead (this is what I've done in the past)

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Purple Haze
Purple Haze commented
They have kept presentation so that every student gets to learn that topic in detail and it carries 5 marks... And it's presentation it is supposed to be in front of the entire class so obviously that teacher is not gonna allow me to do it just in front of her...if it was viva/orals I would have requested to take it in front of teacher only but unfortunately this is presentation .and I have these anxiety problems and I just can't face the crowd...I mean I get freaked out and all and we have to say it without referring to any sheet...if it was just reading out from the sheet then I would have done it and this teacher keeps interrupting in between to explain the stuff we are presenting ....basically its like the most horrendous situation for me and I just don't wanna do it...I just really want to simply avoid it...I don't even want those 5 marks...and anyway she's not giving full 5 mark's... Mayb 3 or 2
Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

Having a fatal accident is probably the only thing that will work for you.

Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

It's just a part of your education and life in general.  Not many of us like to speak in front of groups of people.  But when you're in school, you have to do your assignments which are geared to help you .. Not hurt you.  We're not going to give you ways to avoid your obligations.  You're not special and will have to find your way with this just like everyone else.

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