It's May 22nd! It's Rooster's birthday! Hooray!!! πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸŽ?


19 Answers

Dakota Mackenzie Profile

Sweet, Happy Birthday! :D

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

Happy Birthday Rooster! I hope it's a wonderful day for you.....your paradise awaits....

DDX Project Profile
DDX Project answered


Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

Happy Birthday Rooster! :)

-I remember you wanted some changes in your career and had some negotiations, hope you catch all you want.

-You constantly desiring getting back to the air and rock one of those sweet planes, i wish that happens soon and you reach the joy within!

-Few days ago when i returned here after a while, i've seen somewhere you said about a bruise or something on your leg! Hope that heals up quickly as well!

And thank you for all your services sir "Salute"

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