No!! Please give us men a little more credit than that.
Is it true that most men would cheat if they had the chance to and thought they would get away with it?
No way too many diseases and std and everything out there, I never cheated I just got a divorce.
No, I don't believe that. Real men are loving, caring and giving of themselves to one woman.
I can't comment on the "trousered ape;" but for the man of "real sensibilities," sexual intercourse in the absence of the minds, hearts and souls---as well as the bodies---of both parties reaching out to each other tends to make the experience much less than satisfying.
If a person was inclined to cheat .. Gender wouldn't matter.
Gender has little to do with it.
People are people.
No. When you get old, you still have a sex drive, but it becomes more personal. I certainly wouldn't fool around.
This would have to be a personal opinion, one which would come with bias depending on which.
Personally, no, I do not think that most men would cheat given the choice to get a way with it.
Most of a particular type of male? Scum who simply play women any way? Yeah.
Honestly I'll have to disagree with you on this one. It goes the same way for both gender. Just because of one gender cheating doesn't mean that it'll judge for all. There's still some good people out there also. Not saying those who cheated are wrong, I believe they probably have their own reason for doing it. But that's their business.