
What is hardest thing about being a teenager?


5 Answers

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

I'm not sure if i get the full meaning of the question, i don't think there's anything hard about "being" a teenager. But there's difficulties due the stage.

I'd say the hormonal changes and developments in teenage stage is the hardest part above everything else. In my opinion, hormonal developments located in the head of the pyramid of the teenage stage. Because it would effect the whole stage and it's details.

A teenager is growing, start to take the first steps of understanding more about the environment, having a high sense of curiosity and exploring the environment, others and themselves. At such stage, they get their very first steps of shaping their own world, having ideas, and picking up goals. Starting to gather a whole list of how they wanna live and what things they like.

In the middle of all these complications of self structuring, the hormonal developments and changes come along. Which effects everything. The word "stable" usually lose it's concept at this phase. Until the person come closer to the finish of it's developments and make their final decision.

These changes effect all the teenager's behaviors and their thoughts. From their outlook of the world and life to their behaviors over others and how they like be and what they like, who they want to be and what they want to do. Everything changes through different periods of the teenage stage. The most trouble comes when all these changes will makes the person nervous, confused, stressful and by the individual traits it might go more complicated than it could be, from a teenager that scares of the future, and it turns into panic when they're not sure what they wanna do! Or even teenager girls that have this phobia of am i gonna spend the rest  of my life alone ? Will i find my true love ? And these kind of stories in mind. And things gonna be more worse, if the environment of the house be full of tension, unsecured and unstable. It's gonna be a horrifying stage for the teenager then.

I mentioned a particular trait about girls, now the most pressure of these changes in teenage period is on females. Their particular definition and system of it's gender makes everything double complicated than a male. Being a teenager girl can be very difficult at so many times. More complicated system and stronger hormonal changes which effect the person strongly. (above), i said, 1.The word stable lose it's concept. 2.Gonna be confusing, stressful ect . . .3.Personal traits might add to the tension 4.Home environment & behaviors will be crucial to the task . . Now!! In particular, more complications will be added including all those behaviors that i explained. The hormonal changes in girls in this stage, can also lead into depression, being suicidal, low esteem, and self harm. And if the parents won't be able to communicate well and don't balance the atmosphere of the house, the teenage girl gonna feel the concept due those changes, that there's no one to listen, nobody cares, and no body understand them even if that not be the case but it will happen due parent's disability in communication. And sine the gender definition represents that females are more sensitive and emotional, that trait increase the pressure over teenage girls due their nature.

Now i guess you completely know how it works!

Girls from childhood till the teenage stage, they have a very complicated behaviors.

Today they love you, tomorrow they hate you, right now they show affection five minutes later they fight you, 10 Am they give you a gift, 11 Am they break a mirror on your head!!! Before they say "i love you" they slap you in the face!

Tip: This is also women's nature in general!

Note: In the world always there has been this topic that women is complicated to understand, i never felt it. Women is easy to understand when you know their structure and each layers of their feelings, when, what to say,how to say it and how be silent and give just some space. And just how behave and how to understand the changes they making due their system. It sounds complicated but it's not hard when you know it.

Sharron Prestcott Profile

The hardest part of being a teenager is just being a teenager and all that it encompasses.  Most people would not want to repeat their teenage years, it's way too intense.

Megan goodgirl Profile
Megan goodgirl answered


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