Somewhat. I made my friend, who is also Roy's brother Zayne very happy. I gave him one of my games that he's been talking about.
It's 4:50 p.m. And I have another 40 minutes before I get off work. I've been bored all day and can't wait <insert sarcasm> to get home and do laundry, or vacuum, or perhaps for excitement - I could dust the furniture!!!
It's not as bad as all that - I just don't like it when I'm bored at work....
I had an awesomely great day, thank you.
Yes, I did. Thank you. I'm on vacation right now so every day is a good day. How about you?
My day was fine. I stayed home all day and did things around the house.
It was a pretty good day :3 I liked my art class the most today :D I didn't feel smothered and I got to sit by my friends, still even though the order was screwy cuz our teacher was doing a demonstration. :3 But I preferred where I sat today ^^
Yes, I ate my last 2 jam jelly sandwichs.
Not yet ... The day is only 1/2 over, for me.
It wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible. I still can't talk allergies are so bad right now that I lost my voice😂 Hope you had a good day!
my day was alright.
I wish this arthritis would go away but I'm still alive and kickin.
A good day for me is when I did something productive enough that it made me feel good after. So yes, I am having a good day so far.