
I get bullied at school for supporting certain football clubs. I hate this please help :(?


2 Answers

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

I'm struggling a bit on the wording here, so bear with me. When someone bullies you, and you don't fight back, you are tacitly agreeing with them.

If you were to say, "yes I am supporting the ABC club because I believe in what they stand for", then you have shared your beliefs.

If the response back is "well I think that's stupid", your response would be "well, I agree that you're welcome to your opinion. I am free to choose what to believe in just as you are."

If you get more static back, you can simply say, "I respectfully disagree with what you are saying. I still stand for them."

Then walk away.

I've used this approach here on this site and on, where people have stridently disagreed with me and did become very vocal against me. I have the right to believe what I believe, just as they are.

When the discussion gets out of hand, I say again, "I respectfully disagree with you." and then I walk away from the discussion. There are people you will never convince on what you believe and that's OK. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made.

You are never a loser when you are respectful in discussing your views and when you stand up for what you believe in. Should the discussion become physical, a swift jab to the nose ought to do the trick, if you feel led to engage.

Cindee Forks Profile
Cindee Forks answered

Everyone is going to judge you and tell you otherwise on whatever your beliefs and likes are, just roll with it and be you.

I know you must be thinking that this isn't great advice, but no one can walk with you and hold your hand with these things, just remind yourself to be yourself the next time they bully you.

I hope they stop, I strongly disapprove with bullying. Just remember to BE YOU!

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